Sustaining Peers in the ED
The goal of the SPED program is to connect our Substance Use Navigators (SUN) and Peer Recovery Specialists (PRS) to patients who are being discharged from the Emergency Departments in the city of Philadelphia. Our team met with hospital leadership to identify stakeholders and care gaps to disseminate clinical pathways for ED buprenorphine and methadone initiation. Some key program elements include embedded ED PRS support, close partnerships with local Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP) to facilitate warm-handoff for next-day methadone after ED initiation, and navigation to treatment and harm reduction services. We started this program in September 2023 and currently operate in the West Philadelphia hospitals of HUP Cedar, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.
SUNs are able to provide relevant referrals and can help ensure warm-handoffs from hospital EDs to:
- Multiple treatment pathways (inpatient, outpatient, IOP, contingency management)
- Next-day methadone treatment
- Ongoing MOUD/MAT & primary care providers
- CareConnect Warmline via phone or text
- Community Resources
- Recovery Housing
- Peer Counseling
- Harm Reduction materials

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