Substance Use Navigator Team

Our Substance Use Navigators (SUNs) provide comprehensive peer support for individuals struggling with opioid use, as well as their loved ones. With a strong retention in supporting multiple pathways to treatment, our team is an integral part of continuing patient care.  

Substance Use Navigators Provide:

Peer-Centered Support: Our SUN team meets each patient where they are in their journey, and assisting them in exploring what treatment options may work best for their unique set of needs. 

Navigation of Clinical Services: Guiding patients through the various evidence-based treatment is vitally important to their care. Whether meeting a patient in the emergency room, assisting someone enter inpatient care, or connecting them to outpatient services, all avenues are explored and supported. 

Warm Hand Off: Our SUN team connects each patient to the services that works best for them. From our hands here at Penn to the best possible follow up option, we set each individual up to the most comprehensive care plan. 

Continued Engagement: The support and advocacy does not end at discharge. Our SUN team is just a phone call away for our patients who become engaged. 

"We have tools we can use in this fight," explains Roy Rosin, Chief Innovation Officer at Penn's Center for Healthcare Innovation.

Harm Reduction and Opioid Use Disorder

Harm Reduction is built on the philosophy of meeting people exactly where they are and addressing the needs that they express for themselves. Addiction is multifaceted with many different elements that need to be addressed. Our model believes that treating all patients with dignity and respect is fundamental in being able to truly help our patients and to make a difference in each of their unique journeys.

Talk to a SUN today!

Call (484) 278-1679 to reach the CareConnect Warmline.

  • Belle demonstrates how to administer naloxone to reverse an overdose at a community training event.
  • The SUN team doing community outreach at 69th Street Station
  • SUNs doing outreach at Lucien E. Blackwell West Philadelphia Regional Library
  • Outreach supplies, including Narcan, Fentanyl Test Strips, snacks, personal care, and first aid supplies