Wound Care
- Kensington Hospital Wound Care Van: Rock Ministries at 2755 Kensington Ave from 8AM – 4PM
- Assess and treat wounds
- Kensington Hospital Wound Care Van: Rock Ministries at 2755 Kensington Ave from 8AM – 4PM
- Assess and treat wounds
- Prevention Point Wound Care Clinic at 2913 Kensington Ave from 11AM – 3PM
- Assess and treat wounds
- Catholic Workers Clinic at 1813 Hagert Street from 9:30 – 11:30AM and 4:30 – 6:30PM
- Assess and treat wounds
- Kensington Hospital Wound Care Van: Rock Ministries at 2755 Kensington Ave from 8AM – 4PM
- Assess and treat wounds
- Catholic Workers Clinic at 1813 Hagert Street from 9:30 – 11:30AM
- Assess and treat wounds
- Kensington Hospital Wound Care Van: Rock Ministries at 2755 Kensington Ave from 8AM – 4PM
- Assess and treat wounds
- Prevention Point Wound Care Clinic at 2913 Kensington Ave from 11AM – 3PM
- Assess and treat wounds
- Catholic Workers Clinic at 1813 Hagert Street from 4:30 – 6:30PM
- Assess and treat wounds
- Kensington Hospital Wound Care Van: Rock Ministries at 2755 Kensington Ave from 8AM – 4PM
- Assess and treat wounds
- Prevention Point Wound Care Clinic at 2913 Kensington Ave from 12PM – 3PM
- Assess and treat wounds
- Catholic Workers Clinic at 1813 Hagert Street from 11:30AM – 1:30PM
- Assess and treat wounds
- The Everywhere Project at 1810 E Clearfield Ave from 12:30 – 4:30PM
- Wound care treatment and supplies
- *Every 3RD Saturday* Savage Sisters Outreach at McPherson Square from 9:30AM – 1PM
- Wound care treatment and supplies
- CARP at 1801 Lehigh from 1 – 3PM
- Wound care supplies ONLY
- Wound care supplies ONLY